Sunday, February 27, 2011

6 Months Old!

Weight: 16 pounds

Height: 27 inches

You are growing like a weed, Tooks!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 Months

HEIGHT: 26cm

WEIGHT: 15 pounds, 6 oz.

Baby girl, you amaze me everyday!! I love you so much! You are eating solids, you roll over (from back to stomach only, but that's ok), you are starting to sit up on your only (only for a few seconds at a time, but who's counting), and you love reaching and grabbing for EVERYTHING! Maya, you are my world! I look forward to all of our adventures together!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

4 Months Old


Weight: 14 pounds, 8 ounces

Height: 26 cm

My precious Maya,

I can't believe how big you are growing! Time is going by way too quickly! It still seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the tiny, so fragile. Now you are mama's big girl! So active! So talkative(though I still don't understand anything you are squealing about)! I am looking forward to the months ahead. Watching you grow up right before my eyes. You are oh so close to rolling over on your own from back to front. You hate tummy time just as much as you did 2 months ago. You are a babbling ball of drool, but I love you so much baby girl! You are my world! I can't wait to see what the months ahead have in store.



Monday, November 29, 2010

3 months

Maya turned 3 months on Saturday the 27th. Her checkup was today. Her stats are as follows:

Weight: 13 pounds

Height: 24.5 inches

Head Circumference: 41 cm

She is in the 75th percentile. Doc said she is ahead of schedule developmentally. She is doing things 4 month old babies should be doing. I'm so proud of my baby girl!

Friday, November 5, 2010

2 Month Checkup


Height: 24 inches

Weight: 11 pounds, 12 ounces

Head: 32(?) cm

She is in the 50-75 percentile for her age.

It was not a good visit. She had to get three shots, plus a liquid med. It started out okay. The student doctor examined her. She was talking and flirting with him. Made momma proud! Then came Dr. E. She said/did something that startled Maya, and she cried the rest of the examination. All this BEFORE the shots even started!!

She was in a worse mood after the shots. There was no consoling her. Luckily she slept in the car ride home, but once we got home the screaming started again. I had to run out to get Tylenol to ease her pain. She finally went down for the night around 7:30 and slept until 12:30am. Took a bottle and went back to sleep until 5:30am. So glad that day is behind us. All this has to be repeated again at the 4 month

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 months

Wow, where has the time gone! I can't believe you are two months old. Your love gets sweeter everyday. I look forward to our morning chatter and that cute toothless grin when you first wake up. You are growing so quickly. You still hate baths and getting dressed, but you love having your little tushy washed! I am so grateful that you are a part of my life. I love you my little angel!!